The Growing Importance of Real Time Analytics
Real Time Analytics is being considered a quantum leap in the realm of data analytics. But, what exactly is Real Time Analytics? When a system is processing and analyzing data that was loaded instantaneously or not more than a minute before to generate meaningful information, theRead More
Why Automation has a Key Role in Finance
The remarkable growth of Information Technology has ensured its impact on every sphere of business. This has compelled organizations to recognize the significance of automation when it comes to achieving growth and expansion. It comes as no surprise then that the domains of FinanRead More
Effective guide to successful Software Maintenance
Software application maintenance might be perceived as a thoroughly technical activity, but has many managerial implications. While technical aspects include performance testing, error correction, capability enhancement and reliability measurement, the managerial aspects include Read More
Lean IT in Practice: Low-Code Rapid App Development
Business process heads tasked with drawing out operational efficiencies across firms are progressively more driving discussions around important technology choices. Their exceptional vantage points across sections and alignment with the business enable them to offer solutions thaRead More
4 Effective Ways for Better Customer Experience
One of the most challenging tasks faced by businesses today is to create customer experience that exemplifies their devotion towards their clientele. With ‘client-centricity’ being the buzzword, the role of contact-center in the scheme of things has become all the more pivotal. ARead More
How to Improve the Customer Experience by using CRM?
Fundamentally, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an integrated solution with several user-defined tools. It can be either used to operate as a task master or facilitate coordination and collaboration of business domains. By automating marketing, sales, and customer-supporRead More
How Digital Marketing Transformation can change your business
Companies can feel overwhelmed by the rapid evolution of Digital Marketing. However, there are many positives which include the immense opportunities provided by the Digital Marketing Transformation. Stakes are high and can impact businesses, and the way they handle it will defRead More
5 Point Checklist for Keeping Customers Happy on Social Media
The social media explosion that began in 2008 and has been going on since then, has taken the world by storm. Today nearly 2 billion people are actively on various social networking sites. This makes it a prime stomping ground particularly for the millennials and digital marketerRead More
How Incredible Website User Interface can improve the Customer Experience
Websites are an ideal way to showcase your company’s presence and expertise, and also to interact with your customers. A company with a decent website can save on its marketing spends by avoiding printing-costs of marketing collateral and customer-registration forms. A websRead More
How Big Data Impacts your Integrated Marketing Management Strategy?
All that unstructured data moving across continents at lightning speeds over the internet network is gold for digital marketers. But it might need a little bit of digging around and cleansing the raw data in order to convert it into nuggets of information. But the inordinate impaRead More