How Outsourcing is Changing the Dynamics of the Mortgage Industry? Volume-II
Mortgage industry in the United States is going through a distinct boom and 2016 might well be a banner year as mortgage originations for the first time are expected to surpass the highs recorded in 2007. As a direct consequence, many large and small players are finding it highlyRead More
How Agile Methodologies can Help Large Enterprises to Stay on Top?
The larger the enterprises the more important it is to put things into perspective and gain a definitive competitive advantage in a world full of cut-throat competition. Agile methodologies started as a way of developing software but are today widely used in diverse departments fRead More
Upgrade Your Existing Call Center Software to Stay Competitive
Call centers are playing an increasingly important role in today’s fast-paced business arena where customers want solutions and support at the touch of a button. Thus the technology that drives your contact center and specifically the software that you are deploying for call centRead More
How Agile Methodologies can Help Drive Small Businesses Forward?
Small business enterprises today need to think out of the box just to stay competitive. There are pressures from all quarters – customers, competitors, investors, market disruptors and the overall changing face of technology and market place. Implementation of agile methodologiesRead More
How Outsourcing is Changing the Dynamics of the Mortgage Industry? Volume-I
The mortgage industry in the United States is one of the biggest and most deeply entrenched in the entire world. Availing the benefit of accessible mortgage services helps millions of ordinary Americans to afford homes and live their dream lives without having to worry about payiRead More
Why User Interface Designs are Gaining Increased Popularity?
The experience that your users get when they engage with your website or your app is courtesy of your UI designs. Thus it pays to have a stellar user interface design that helps to provide instant customer delight and as a natural upshot leapfrog the competition.Read More
How to Deploy Analytics for Back Office Process Optimization?
Analytics is gaining increased attention and its right deployment for back office process improvement can help businesses gain new insights for better overall performance. In today’s world of heightened competition having ponderous back office operations can be the Achilles’ HeelRead More
How SMBs can grow by Outsourcing Finance and Accounting Services?
Small and medium enterprises today are in a much better position thanks to advancement in technology and the rise of globalization. Hence today it is conveniently possible to outsource any particular domain to a competent entity anywhere in the world and gain a definitive businesRead More
What is Sales Acceleration and why it is important for your business?
It isn’t very often that the world of sales is radically impressed by a new dominating and trending technological breakthrough. Sales acceleration is a technology that has made corporate decision-makers and sales heads sit up and take notice unlike anything in the past. It’s a giRead More
Email Marketing Mistakes You must Avoid
Even in this day and age of social media preponderance all evidence points to the fact that email marketing is not going away anytime soon. As per credible sources over 132 billion emails will be sent and received each day towards the end of 2017. A big majority of people start tRead More