Importance of Outsourcing the Finance and Accounting Services
Every organization needs customary accounting and financial support in efforts to keep their financial health in control. However, it is a monotonous and time consuming chore that entails companies to expend a large amount of funds on guiding the recruits as well as obtaining theRead More
10 Tips for Transforming from Waterfall to Agile Software Development
While the waterfall technique for software development may hold good for straight forward, simple development projects, it tends to be a lesser amount of helpfulness when managing more intricate software projects. This top-down methodology to improvement entails projects to move Read More
Take Your Business on the Cloud!
Now CIOs are looking for ways to access customer’s personal information like birthdays, anniversary dates, or other important events in their lives to be able to provide better services. More predominantly, they are concerned in obtaining this information in real-time like when aRead More
Wearable Technology: the Zenith of Personalization
Wearable technology, wearables, fashionable technology, wearable devices, tech togs, or fashion electronics are clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies. The designs often incorporate practical functions and features, but may also have Read More
Rise of Technology in the Mortgage Industry
The mortgage industry threw its doors open to the latest technological and digital innovations a few years ago. This has resulted in a sea-change in the way in which the business as a whole has responded. There are two parts to this saga―on the one hand we are witnessing advancemRead More
Cut Costs by 50% with right Application Development and Maintenance
Application development and maintenance (ADM) is the part of IT that works closely with business to develop new software, keep it running, and make ongoing improvements. Within this part of IT, business analysts and software developers communicate with executives on the business Read More
Business in the Era of Personalized Customer Experience
Personalization, also known as customization, involves using technology to accommodate the differences between individuals. Here are some of the avenues that enable personalized customer experience: Web pages are personalized based on the characteristics (interests, social categoRead More
Physical to Cloud: Journey of Servers down the Years
A server is both a running instance of some software capable of accepting requests from clients, and the computer such a server runs on. Servers operate within a client-server architecture where “servers” are computer programs running to serve the requests of other prRead More
Data Security in Financial Services: Challenges and Solutions – Part 2
Risk Management leads the Way Cyber criminals seem to be having a field day with the technological advancements of our times. Open network technologies are a major contributing factor in malevolent online activities because they enable quicker and flexible operations. This graduaRead More
Data Security in Financial Services: Challenges and Solutions – Part 1
Here’s a Case Study from the banking industry that will send shudders down the spines of customers… Much to its dismay, a national retail bank discovered that as many as two thousand customer records were surreptitiously vaporized by its own employees, a short while before they wRead More