Impact of Mobile Apps at Contact Center
In the past, customer communications were restricted to a small number of touchpoints such as in-person, call and postal services. Now, contact centers provide services via various online medium. The most recent inclusions are usage of smartphone and tablets by customers. At present, more than 1.76 billion people own smartphone. Over one-third of global population are likely to use smartphone by the year of 2017. Mobile apps permit customers to take full benefit of their smartphone’s quality and usage. Over 268 billion times mobile apps will be downloaded by the year of 2017. It would fetch over $77 billion revenue.
Communication all the time:
Now a day, customers demand easy availability of data and information while they are on move. It could be any data or any information such as product information, service, location, delivery status etc. Mobile apps can help contact center to get in touch with customers and either solve the issue directly or provide self-service platform with extended voice support, if needed. Customers mostly select organizations that offer this kind of easy communication.
Improved customer satisfaction:
Customer satisfaction can be improved by efficiently utilizing the appropriate customer data collected through mobile apps, recorded in actual time of event as customer working on mobile devices. Appropriate data comprises customer information like a/c no. purchase history, location, visited websites, past service experiences etc. This information helps contact centers to operate more proficiently and personalized communication with customers. Callers can be mapped to a particular pool of agents who provides best possible service to every customer. It would make sure providing high quality support every time to the customer.
Enhanced agent work quality:
Contact center can perform and easy and quick survey post every call to find out quality of communication with the help of mobile app. The response given by customer becomes crucial to enhance agent work quality, support quality and creating a brand value and trust in customers. Customer focused mobile apps intensify relationship between customer and service provider, offer precise customer credentials, boost dependability, enhance customer experience and attract better return on investment.
Organizations cannot overlook the value of these apps. For organizations that professionally put together apps and support, the sky is the limit for demarcation and improvement.